Mar 5, 20112 min

Reiki Healing Workshops

Some people think that Reiki is a ‘common’ way of healing….and we should evolve toward more modern techniques…..How about this…. start with the traditional, evolve on your journey and then choose for yourselves. There are many healing techniques available. All are valid. In my veiw Reiki is an extremely safe, easy to learn healing modality that is avaialble to all.

REI is the Japanese word meaning ‘universal’ and is also a reference to the higher dimension of light and the soul.

KI means ‘vital life force energy’ which interpenetrates and connects all.

Reiki is much more than just training, a manual, class or seminar. It is the connection with the ever flowing light energy of the universe. Reiki is the greatest teacher for those who are willing to listen and learn. Much more will be gained from your experience with Reiki and life, than ever could be written or described. As you move into the natural flow of this healing, balancing and revealing energy, your life will take on a deeper meaning.

Reiki has become more widely used and understood in the West over the past 20 years although it was rediscovered in the East in the late 1800’s. It is a gentle way of moving energy through the body to enable self healing and the healing of others, pets and even vitalising food, plants and situations. The possibilities are endless and the more people that are attuned to this beautiful energy, the healthier and more calm we will all become, able to deal with out every day lives much more easily.

Ailments can be treated and emotional imbalances causing stress can be reduced. Detoxification is increased, so Reiki can help greatly with the removal of toxins from Chemotherapy and anaesthesia. Reiki is unconditionally healing for the body and mind and will flow to wherever is needed within the body.

This unique attribute enables Reiki to be used at any time, in any place, and any condition. This vital flowing energy is the basis for the continuity of life as we know it.


Reiki is ‘given’ to the student in the form of Attunements by a Reiki Master. Students usually find their Master having received treatments from them or been recommended by friends.

Training should include the history of Reiki, the four Attunements in Reiki One and a further Two in Reiki Two. Practical work is essential with self healing as well as work on others. Some Masters teach quite large classes. I personally work with small groups of two students to allow for personal attention. I do not offer attunements in any other way.

Reiki is the individual’s personal journey. Some students attend Reiki One for self healing only, others have a family member that needs healing. Some students work through One and Two consistently and then move on to become Masters themselves.

My fees are:

Reiki One 10am – 4pm £175.00

Reiki Two 10am – 4pm £225.00

Refreshments and lunch is included with a concise manual. There is no exam or written work. I offer ongoing support via phone and email for those needing guidance. Your Reiki Master will make a commitment to help you with your development with this amazing healing energy.