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And all because it snowed!

“…and all because it snowed!” a client said this week.

Things seem to be moving very quickly, but that’s me all over. I’ve learnt a lot about manifesting and gratitude over the years. Dream boards, setting intentions, releasing your expectations and allowing the universe to do its thing. Little did I know the non-ski holiday last year due to the issues from snowfall here cancelling our flight, would be a catalyst that would turn my life on to a slightly different track.

Life is too short to hang about!

My sideways step into energy art has been a fast one. Energies accelerating so quickly that I sometimes have trouble keeping up with it all! I wanted it, and things really are falling into place. Be careful what you wish for. If you look back to my blog about the treatments at The Scarlet in Cornwall, you will know that the Ayurvedic ‘Journey’ I received there really helped me navigate through the menopause. That, and the cancelled holiday, all linked together to bring me to where I am now.

Road trip to Cornwall!

Last week I had a meeting at The Scarlet, and three of my most recent pieces will be exhibited in their award winning spa – one being the explosion of colour you can see me painting in the video on my website, and the two from the very new Atlantis Collection containing texture and crystals.

“This is how I flow”   –   on the ‘About Me’ video.

Their sister hotel also has a gallery!

Five smaller pieces from the ‘Softer Collection’ have been taken to the gallery shop in their sister hotel – Bedruthan Steps. I can’t tell you how happy and excited I am. It just feels so right that my work will be seen in such an amazing space. I’m now painting a piece for the meditation room at The Scarlet which I can really connect with. Remember my work is Energy Art – it holds a vibration for healing on many levels. Being able to paint for a specific space is quite an honour. 

A post meeting moment at The Scarlet last week!

Gratitude is the key.

Throughout my adult life I always remember to be grateful. When you show gratitude every day for the things you have – your health, your safe place to live, the food you eat, it is impossible to be in another state like anger or sadness. I see so many people running around under so much stress and pressure. Trying to be something that others want them to be, or trying to be as good as the people they see on the TV or Instagram.

Your best years are yet to come. No matter how old you are, there is still time to follow your true path. Life really is short. I’m doing two jobs that I love – treating clients and making energy art.

The next phase begins, but don’t worry!

Please don’t worry if you are a client of mine, and are concerned about booking in for treatments. The space here at Wayside House remains the same. I’m just planning my time differently. You may see a few changes to the reception area over the next month or two. After twelve years, I need to use the space to its full potential. It’s being transformed into a (tidy) art studio. Your relaxation and treatments with me won’t be compromised at all. Watch this space!

Have you saved the date?

Don’t forget I have my One Year On Exhibition at The Langford in August, and I am also exhibiting during Somerset Arts Week at the end of September – my gallery space for that will be the Kitchen at The Wharf in Langport – more details nearer the time.

YOU are invited to the private preview. Please RSVP if you haven’t already. Thank you!



Hi, thanks for stopping by!

Nicki is a Contemporary Energy Artist and Holistic Healer based in the beautiful Somerset Levels.

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