Ashes to Art.
Something different is emerging. It may not be everyones taste, but I was recently asked to create a piece of art for a client using a small amount of her fathers ashes. This felt such a normal thing to do, that I jumped at the chance. It was such a beautiful idea, and just seemed so right.
I was surprised to see how many people make glass or resin jewellery from the ashes of a loved one as a keepsake. I don’t make jewellery, but I do create contemporary energy art, so this is another way to use the creative flow.
It’s all in the breath.

When I create my pieces of art, I use breath and Reiki (Universal Energy) to embed loving energy within each piece, so when I started working with ashes, this process was perfect, enabling the ashes to flow and embed into the paint, creating beautiful energetic abstract images.
The process was a very special experience for me, as I connected with the loved one, and painted intuitively. I normally create quiet work like this on a New Moon, so timing was perfect.
The space was set differently to my usual work. I ensured the ashes were treated with the gentle respect they deserve. Items to link with the Four Directions were placed around me –
Fire – Incense or a candle. Water – in this case, the water fall in my garden. Air – the breath within the painting and the feather used to smudge. Earth – my feet on the ground and the crystals I chose around me.
The sun was shining and the garden was full of birds. I’m sure I won’t always have the chance to paint outside, but when the weather permits, it is the perfect environment to work on this level.
I’m not a clairvoyant.
Clairvoyance is not my primary gift so I won’t have specific messages for you. I can assure you that your piece of art is being created with love and understanding of the impact a lost loved one can have on you and your family.

How to commission a piece of work.
Please contact me direct so we can discuss your requirements.
Each piece is individual and can vary in size – the one I created here was framed to 12″ square. I prefer to use beautiful handmade rag paper from a paper mill on Exmoor. The texture of the paper allows the high pigment paint together with the ashes to flow in beautiful patterns.
Each piece is finished with mount board and a white limed wood frame, by a superb framer who has the ultimate respect for the work he is given. I am safe in the knowledge that the whole process is sacred from start to finish.
Prices start from £330.
Gratitude Message
I received this lovely message from the recipient today….
“After losing my Dad I wanted him to be with us but in a different form to just the ashes or a memorial piece. When I saw Nicki’s energy art with Reiki I wondered if it would be possible to create a piece with some of the ashes incorporated into it. Nicki was so helpful throughout the process. I just said go with whatever flows, and the piece we got is just amazing. Nobody else knows what it is, but we feel rather than him being somewhere in the ground, he’s here with us, in the family room, where he used to like to be. Thank you so much for the art it’s really wonderful and we love it x”
