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It’s a funny time of year

‘Out with the old, in with the new’. Is this a phrase you use? I find it a strange time of year, it’s like we are brushing away 2018 with vigour as we plough on in to the New Year. Let’s think about this.

Some of you will have had years that you would like to forget, others have just had a year of normal stuff, while the rest of you may have had a stonkingly great year. Why would you want to cast that aside with some fireworks and a glass of champagne? How about some acknowledgement that we have had a year of life. We are here, and we are grateful, although we may have had a shitty time in the process. This is called LIFE. It’s part of the process. Take a moment to reflect and be thankful, no matter how your year panned out.

Flip your thoughts. Look back with fondness that you made it! You are here, and the season is still about hunkering down and being still. There seems to be a need to join a gym and go running every day. The check list of park runs you are going to achieve and the impending juice cleanse, all contribute to that ‘New Year New You’ mentality. That’s a lot of stress to put on yourself, just because we have charged into 2019.

Be kind to yourself.

We hear this phrase all the time, but it’s something to keep in mind.The season is going to get colder, and although there are bulbs popping up in the gardens, winter is no where near over just because Big Ben has struck!

Wayside House Natural Health Centre

This used to be a time when, as a business, I would promote the detox type therapies as soon as I re-opened in January. Seaweed body treatments and  stimulating massage to jettison the client into a healthy regime. Nowadays, I find myself promoting de-stressing therapies much more than the detox ones. People need to wind down after the parties, and those who have been entertaining house guests just need to collapse in a heap after they have finished all the laundry and finally been to the tip with all the excess bottles and boxes!

You will know when you want to start a new routine.

You don’t have to start a weight-loss regime right now, and you don’t need to join a gym just because there is an offer on! Most people who sign up in January, never end up continuing throughout the year!

As you know, I’m a huge fan of juicing, but even Jason Vale doesn’t start his Global Detox until mid January. He knows we need time to sort ourselves out – mentally, as we return to normal work, and practically by emptying the fridge!

So, for now, just stop the alcohol, up the water – two litres a day really isn’t difficult to do. Dust that juicer off – you know, the one you stopped using because you had guests! Start with a ginger shot each morning and work up! Find your yoga mat and move your body. Stretch. Go out for a few walks and get some fresh air in your lungs. Book a massage or a facial.

Forget making crazy resolutions!

Do that in the spring. Making New Year promises isn’t for everyone, and sometimes it’s quite stressful thinking about what you should be doing! You are more likely to break your promises if you made them because you thought you should, or you made them when you were drunk! Just because it’s New Year, don’t over burden yourself with having to get rid of the old year and move in to a better one. Just move along. For me, I don’t need a calendar marker, but, if I am reflecting, my 2018 went something like this:

Started Painting. Ski Trip Cancelled so more painting. First commissions. Gallery wall created in reception & new website. Trip to The Scarlet and another epiphany!  More painting and sales. First Exhibition. Set up on line voucher shop – best thing ever! Found the balance between working with clients and painting!


A little foot note to those who use Social Media – I’ve had a little make over – My Instagram is now @wayside_art – the same feed, just a different name. No more photos of food in the gallery, just art and inspiration. If you are into ‘stories’ you can find my day to day events in there….with some food!

Happy New Year!



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Nicki is a Contemporary Energy Artist and Holistic Healer based in the beautiful Somerset Levels.

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